Simple and realible world class trading platform

Revolutionize the way you invest and trade through our cutting-edge, technology driven trading platforms

Join Indias fastest growing trade community

A smart platform for a smart investor


KIFS Trade Capital is the platform that will revolutionize the way in which you trade. It is the first knowledge based, analytical platform in India, and it features cutting-edge features which were previously available only to institutional traders. Our goal is to make high-end trading accessible to retail traders as well, so we are excited to bring you the most advanced platform on the Indian market.

KIFS Trade Capital gives you access to both fundamental and technical tools. They were designed to ease your work overall, by helping you learn about your trades, analyze them professionally, and get to trade better and smarter with each day. There is also a useful function that helps you create a strategy for your trading, which will help you stand out from the mass of “blind” traders who are based on hunches and guesses. All of this means that doing research has just become a lot easier.

From now on you won’t need to pick up tips and tricks from other traders- you will have easy access to the tools of the trade you need to profit, and you’ll create your own set of tips to help you on your path to success. Armed with knowledge, you will identify winning trades by yourself, and boost your earnings in no time!

Odin Client(Dealer/Subbroker) / Odin Diet(For Individual User)

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Social Trading – Revolution in stock broking

For the first time, a trading company is helping you grow with the use of social media! You can customize and link your trading platform with your various social media accounts, and make KIFS Trading Capital your own personal tool that connects your trading to your wide network of contacts. You can freely and easily share your trading strategies, and you can even follow other traders’ strategies. You will get more visibility than in traditional platforms, and you will see how KIFS Trading Capital connects one customer to another.


Features That give You More


KIFS Trade Capital is handles low latency feeds,zero down time assurance, multiple server connectivity.

Enhanced Security

Two level authentication for every user before login. Enhanced encryption levels for powerful security assured.

Bandwidth Optimization

Bandwidth requirement optimized by proprietary algorithms. The broadcast requires only 80 kbps of bandwidth.

Multiple Platforms

Instant access over various platforms like PC, mobile phones and Tablets via Exe, Web, Mobile Trading Application

No limit On Number of Scripts

View unlimited number of scripts in exe and web version via Multiple Market Watches, even on a data dongle.

System capability

Centralized architecture which supports various platforms like Desktop application, Browser, and Mobile

Online Banking

Third party Atom solution is integrated in the payment gateway and BackOffice.Never miss an opportunity to trade big!

Feed Classification

Low latency and normal feed sent to client according to his trading activity, thus saving the broker from extensive bandwidth bills.