The online trading community is centered on winning and profits, but that’s usually a one way street. Rarely do we see win-win situations, where both the trader and the trading company can profit alike. We at KIFS believe in providing as many profitable opportunities for our clients and partners as possible, and we know that every trader should have a chance to earn regardless of market conditions- this is why we devised a referral plan, to help our traders earn more and more through recommendations.
What’s in it for (all of) us?
The referral scheme is a plan that helps us grow, and that also helps your profits do the same. We want to show you that every little bit of effort matters when it comes to developing together, so we have in place a plan that can help you earn constantly by sharing your experience with those close to you.
You can refer your friends, family or colleagues, and when they open their account, your earnings will start to grow. And it’s not a one-time deal. Every month you will get a share of their brokerage- 10% monthly, to be precise. Every month this extra funding will be credited to your account simply because you trusted us enough to recommend us.
How does this work?
First, you need an account with KIFS Trade Capital. If you already have one then you know that opening an account is very easy- just a few steps and you’re in!
The second thing you need to do is to submit a client lead, by using the “Refer” button in your backoffice. You will only need to provide their name, email and mobile number, and one of our colleagues will contact your friend with your reference.
Once they open an account after they’ve been referred, you are officially “linked” to their new account, so that each and every month you will be guaranteed a 10% of their monthly brokerage.
This income is not a fixed-term offer, it goes on indefinitely, and there’s an extra perk too: there is no limit to the number of friends, colleagues or family members that you can recommend. You can earn 10% of the monthly brokerage from each referred client that joins us, and with a bit of networking you can ensure that you have a steady flow of money coming in your account each and every month.
So if you needed an extra reason to talk to your friends about your trading, this is it. Share with them the knowledge of how to trade in a smart way, and you will both make a profit!